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Comparison of ecosystem C and N stocks in Norway spruce vs. Scots pine stands throughout Sweden

Created 2019-07-01 09:12:27 and last modified 2019-11-28 11:47:38 CET
Began in 2019


We are evaluating the performance of Norway spruce vs. Scots pine stands at the sites equally suitable for both species in the experiments at Kulbäcksliden 1028-1029, Flakaträsk 2458, Övra 1061, and Björkheden 1062. The aim is to evaluate how the different species productivity affects C and N stocks of he ecosystem and some of the important C fluxes; soil CO2 efflux and litterfall.

tree species carbon nitrogen balance spruce pine soil microbial communities

Geographical information






Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Sciences (SITES), Trees and Crops for the Future (TC4F), and Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation.

Research stations
