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Fredrika - Establishment of a new stand managed with precisely added nutrient load

Created 2019-07-09 16:05:26 and last modified 2022-09-27 12:43:36 CET
Began in 2019


This trial (#25369 in SilvaBoreal) aims to monitor effects of a specific and precisely added nutritive load (arginine) in the establishment of a new generation plantlings. The trial also aims to repeat the same load yearly after establishment to see growth effects. The trial is set up as parcels of pine, spruce and birch both in mixtures and monoculture. Nutrition management, growth and survival of common species in monocultures and in mixed stands. Established 2019-06-17 Also see in same trial series location Degerfors, Västerbotten and Asa, Småland.

birch mixed stands monocultures nutrition management pine plant nutrient precise added nutrients spruce argrow arginine

Project details

Established 2019-06-17


2 blocks with 7 parcels in each.

1 block with added nutrient load. 1 block with none nutrient load.

7 parcels with different set up of species.

Block 1 - Parcel numbers

1)  100 % pine. 2) 100 % spruce. 3) 100 % birch. 4)  50 % spruce 50 % pine. 5) 50 % pine 50 % birch 6) 50 % birch 50 % spruce 7) 33% pine, 33 % spruce, 33% birch

Block 2 - Parcel numbers

8)  100 % pine. 9) 100 % spruce. 10) 100 % birch. 11)  50 % birch 50 % pine. 12) 50 % spruce 50 % pine 13) 50 % birch 50 % spruce 14) 33% pine, 33 % spruce, 33% birch

In mixed parcels the species were mixed in each row continuously. E.g. Parcel 6 - Row 1 - Birch, Spruce, Birch ,Spruce...

Area netparcels: 24x24 m. Brutto parcels 35x35 m planted with same species as net parcel.

Soil preparation: excavator

Planted: 144 plantlings / parcel. 12 rows - 12 plantlings in each row. (4 cVariation 135-151) Totally 2016 plantlings planted.

Plantlings spruce and pine 2 years old when planted. Birch 1 year old when planted. Nursery - Skadom plantskola, Sollefteå. No vivel protection coating from nursery (snytbaggeskydd)

Spacing: 2x2m. Measured with tape on the ground and sprayed crosses for excavator.

Species: Betula pendula, Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies.

Height above sea leavel: 300 m average. Relatively flat all the surface.

Landowner: Sveaskog

Also see in same trial series location Degerfors, Västerbotten and Asa, Småland.


june 2019 - layout and marking in field, soil scarification, planting

july 2019 - coordinates high-precision gps on poles limits and one compartment all plantlings positioned

august 2019 - plantinventory, survival/status.

september 2019 - aerial photo drone.

august 2020 - refertilizing block 1, same amount as first time.


ongoing, see more in trialdescription

Geographical information






SLU, Sveaskog

Research stations
