Punktgödsling av plantor - teknisk metodutveckling och kvantifiering av tillväxteffekter Beståndsgödsling med drönare, inkluderar 7109 Holmmyrbrännan
droones fertilization plant growth
Project details
Preliminary project plan:
The main experiment comprises four parts of the forest rotation cycle: (I) planting, (II) 4-5 yrs after planting, (III) pre-commercial thinning and (IV) commercial thinning.
Planting; here we have lots of existing experiments, two are out where addition of arginine has been repeated twice, Bodil has written about these. New needle samples this autumn from Fredrika and Degerön. We don’t establish new experiments with planting.
Young trees, 0.7-1.3 m tall, single-tree parcells, fertilization 1x1 m with 15 g N (125 g fertilizer for Argrow and 56 g for Skogcan), equal number of controls, pairwise comparisons and comparison with controls. We need at least three sites big enough for 25 healthy seedlings for each treatment.
Young forest, 1.5-5 m high, circular plots, radius 5.64 (100 m2), fertilization with 1500 g N (12500 g fertilizer for Argrow and 5600 g for Skogcan), equal number of controls. We could use a different radius to fit the amount of nitrogen in one ot two buckets of arginine (approximetly 7,2 kg of fertilizer) to make it simpler. Skogcan can also be added by volume if we find a suitable bucket. Also here three sites would be minimum. If we don’t have them in the exp forests I have good candidates outside.
Thinning, Holmmyrbränna, we have a finished plan, fertilisation with drones in June.