Search for projects with tag "fertilization"
[ID: 353] Precisionsgödsling av plantor - teknisk metodutveckling och kvantifiering av tillväxteffekter
PI: Tomas Lundmark
Punktgödsling av plantor - teknisk metodutveckling och kvantifiering av tillväxteffekter Beståndsgödsling med drönare, inkluderar 7109 Holmmyrbrännan
[ID: 282] Degerö fertilization (DegFert)
PI: Matthias Peichl
Fertilization experiment on individual trees at Degerö and nearby areas
[ID: 108] 1470 Rödålund
PI: Hyungwoo Lim
Effects of whole-tree thinnings, nitrogen fertilisation and wood-ash application on carbon and nitrogen stocks and soil chemistry in a Scots pine stand in northern Sweden. During thinning operation, harvesting residues can be utilized for renewable energy feedstocks. However, removals of the residues can also degrade biomass productivity and cause soil acidification. Combination of four treatments (conventional thinning, whole-tree thinning, with a compensatory fertilization, and with repeated fertilization), with split-plot based ash addition, we investigate biomass and soil carbon stocks in response to removals of harvest-residues.
[ID: 102] Long-term nutrient optimization for ecosystem carbon sequestration potential
PI: Hyungwoo Lim
We determine carbon accumulation in response to 35-years tree nutrition optimization. Tree nutrition has been administrated based on annual foliar nutrient detection and corresponding fertilization treatment. Aboveground carbon accumulation is determined by standing biomass and belowground carbon accumulation is determined by both soil carbon stock and root biomass. Based on litterfall production and consecutive measurements on tree dimensions, annual net primary production is estimated.
nitrogencarbonbiomasspicea abiesirrigationfertilizationnet primary production