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[ID: 478] AquaBioEc

PI: Lenka Kuglerova

Biodiversity of small streams, ditches and dream (something between ditch and stream) in forestry dominated landscapes. Biodiversity of diatoms, bacteria and aquatic macroinvertebrates is assessed using DNA and RNA methods. Streams, ditches and dreams that are investigated are situated in mature forest stands but also in clearcuts (with and without riparian buffers).


[ID: 465] Biodiversa

PI: Fredrik Sjödin

Botanical survey for Soil Biodiversity Pilot. Biodiversa+ is the European co-funded biodiversity partnership supporting excellent research on biodiversity with an impact for policy and society. It was jointly developed by BiodivERsA and the European Commission (DG Research & Innovation and DG Environment) and was officially launched on 1 October 2021.

biodiversityboreal forestssoilpilot

[ID: 315] Spore monitoring at the experimental forests

PI: Åke Olson

Spore traps are installed in connection to the forest experimental forests and are being used for ongoing monitoring of existing and new airborne fungal spores. The operation is conducted in collaboration with the Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology. The traps are located adjacent to the experimental forests climate monitoring stations to synergize the two programmes. This monitoring activity could be developed and expanded, but the question is where and how to collect spores to fulfil a wide array of research interests needs to be further investigated. A pilot study with varying trap placement and sample collection would be an important piece of the puzzle in developing our methods and this type of monitoring.


[ID: 300] LifePlan

PI: Jenny Viklund

Poor understanding of biodiversity and its drivers due to 1) lack of relevant data 2) complex processes underlying the biodiversity dynamics and lack of tools for converting the data that we have into a true understanding of the processes behind them. The aim with LIFEPLAN is to overcome both these hurdles by bringing together the key expertise needed to generate and interpret Big Ecological Data for a global synthesis of biotic patterning across our planet uniting community ecology, methods for automated species recognition, and Bayesian statistics for immense data. The LIFEPLAN venture will generate a well-standardized global data for a substantial proportion of all species. Such standardization is achieved through semi-automated methods, producing comparable data independent of the exact expertise of the person or team conducting the sampling. Based on a recent revolution in sampling methodology, such a sampling design is now finally achievable.

big Databiodiversityecology

[ID: 205] Sarkanenä ecological compensation area

PI: Olov Tranberg

Project aims to monitor biodiversity of saproxylic organisms in translocation of deadwood as means to improve ecological compensation. 700 logs of old deadwood and felled living trees were translocated into 30 experimental plots (including 10 controlls) in Sarkanenä, distributed at different deadwood densities. 10 randomly selected plots in Ätnarova works as a reference landscape.

biodiversitydeadwoodecological compensation

[ID: 204] Ätnarova reference landscape

PI: Olov Tranberg

Project aims to monitor biodiversity of saproxylic organisms in translocation of deadwood as means to improve ecological compensation. 700 logs of old deadwood and felled living trees were translocated into 30 experimental plots (including 10 controlls) in Sarkanenä, distributed at different deadwood densities. 10 randomly selected plots in Ätnarova works as a reference landscape.

biodiversitydeadwoodecological compensation