Search for projects with tag "clear-cuts"
[ID: 313] Pilot study on collecting Hylastes-beetles using pitfall traps, on new and 1 year old clearcuts
There are two primary purposes with this pilot study. 1) To develop the staffs general knowledge of Hylastes-beetles. 2) Using traps to survey the occurrence of Hylastes-beetles in two clear-cuts of different ages in order to get a broader picture of their occurrence within a defined geographical area, and to develop general knowledge on trapping strategies. Additionally, this will be a feasibility study on how to appropriately design a similar experiment on a larger scale.
[ID: 74] 2402 Kuosavaara
PI: Ulla Nylander
Different silvicultural alternatives for treatment of a degenerated forest in harsh climate (67°N, 460 m.a.s.l.) are investigated in this field trial established in 1983/84 with 32 parcels à 0.1 ha.
natural regenerationseed treessheltersclear-cutsstand developmentscots pinenorway sprucedowny birchlodge-pole pine