Search for projects with tag "lake"
[ID: 237] Lake chamber flux measurements
PI: Hjalmar Laudon
Floating chambers are used to determe Green House Gas emissions from lake Stortjärn. The sampling strategy is based on the lake depth structure and three transects with 1 to 4 chambers each located so that they cover the majority of the depth profile.
[ID: 236] Stortjärn lake water sampling
PI: Hjalmar Laudon
Lake Stortjärn is one of the most expansive research sites within the Krycklan catchment, both in terms of new projects and infrastructure development.
[ID: 50] Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Stortjärn
PI: Blaize Denfeld
From June 1 -Nov 1 2016 carbon dioxide and methane concentration and emission was measured on the lake every two weeks.