Search for projects with tag "monitoring"
[ID: 359] Reference climate monitoring at Tagel
PI: Mikael Andersson
Reference climate monitoring takes place at Tagel, with the same design as at all experimental forests (see project 253). The monitoring started 2002. The basic measurement comprise air and ground temperatures, humidity, global radiation and precipitation. Measurement data is automatically processed for forestry applications. Climate data from the reference station is stored and available at Asa Research Station.
climateweathertemperaturetimeserieslong timeseriesmonitoring
[ID: 283] Hälsingfors catchment - discontinued
PI: Mats Nilsson
Monitoring of several catchments at Hälsingfors discontinued, use 282 Degfert instead
[ID: 253] Reference climate monitoring at the Experimental Forests
PI: Ola Langvall
Reference climate monitoring takes place at all experimental forests (only during the summer in Ätnarova). It got its common design in 1989 and started routinely in January 1990. The basic measurement comprise air and ground temperatures, humidity, global radiation and precipitation. Measurement data is automatically processed for forestry applications. Climate data from the reference stations is stored and available at the respective experimental park and at Vindelns experimental parks.
climateweathertemperaturetimeserieslong timeseriesmonitoring
[ID: 237] Lake chamber flux measurements
PI: Hjalmar Laudon
Floating chambers are used to determe Green House Gas emissions from lake Stortjärn. The sampling strategy is based on the lake depth structure and three transects with 1 to 4 chambers each located so that they cover the majority of the depth profile.
[ID: 236] Stortjärn lake water sampling
PI: Hjalmar Laudon
Lake Stortjärn is one of the most expansive research sites within the Krycklan catchment, both in terms of new projects and infrastructure development.
[ID: 235] Snowcat groundwater monitoring
PI: Hjalmar Laudon
In total, close to 20 wells are installed spanning from 5 m to over 150 m depth. The installations were made to cover the entire Krycklan catchment to investigate regional groundwater as well as allow more local studies of water pathways. The first wells were installed by the Swedish Geological Survey (SGU) in the 1980s and have been monitored since, whereas the majority was installed in 2012.
[ID: 234] Russian wells groundwater monitoring
PI: Hjalmar Laudon
The Kallkäls-mire is the source area for stream C4, and the location of the “Russian wells”. These wells are a set of piezometers allowing sampling at different depths in, and below the mire.
[ID: 233] S-transect groundwater monitoring
PI: Hjalmar Laudon
The S-transect was installed 1997 and has been sampled monthly since. The transect consists of ceramic suction lysimeters at 5-7 depths in three plots: the riparian zone 4 m from the stream (S04), 12 m from the stream (S12) and in the up-slope mineral soil 22 m from the stream (S22). The installations are made so that samples can be collected all year by using a heating cable where the water passes through the frozen soil. The hydrology is focused in the upper horizons due to the hydrological conductivity which increases exponentially towards the soil surface.
[ID: 231] Precipitation collection
PI: Hjalmar Laudon
Water collected and analysed after each precipitation event. Wintertime snow should also be cleared from the C-band reflector ( at the same time.
[ID: 230] Snow profile
PI: Hjalmar Laudon
Sampling of snow transects with bulked samples analysed for chemistry.
[ID: 224] Monitoring Gusseltjärnsdammen Siljansfors
PI: Ola Langvall
Ett avrinningsområde inom Siljansfors försökspark, innefattande Gusseltjärnen, har övervakats med flödesmätningar och kemiska vattenprovtagningar sedan 198?. Övervakningen initierades av Lars Lundin, SLU, Inst. för vatten och miljö, Uppsala. Numera görs övervakningen i försöksparkens egna regi. Vattenflödet mäts i Gusseltjärnsdammen med automatisk mätutrustning, medan vattenprover tas månadsvis, för kemiska analyser. A small watershed within Siljansfors Experimental Forest has been monitored since 198?. The monitoring was initiated by Lars Lundin at SLU, Dept. of water and environment in Uppsala. Nowadays the monitoring is run by the Experimental Forest. Water flow is monitored by automatic measurements and water samples for chemical analysis are taken monthly.
[ID: 222] Phenology monitoring at the Experimental Forests
PI: Ola Langvall
Phenology monitored at the four Experimental Forests that are staffed.