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[ID: 467] Groundwater and topsoil sampling at Krycklan catchment

PI: Arina Ivanova

Krycklan catchment is one of the locations of our cross-European sampling campaign, which aim is to generalize the observations from AquaDiva field sites (Thuringia, Germany). We plan to do topsoil and groundwater sampling at three locations within catchment corresponding to different hydrogeological conditions (wells transecting till, sand and metamorphic bedrock). We study dissolved organic matter (DOM), an omnipresent constituent of natural waters, to trace transformations of matter in the subsurface. With the collected groundwater and soil samples, we want to compare source and groundwater DOM and identify the key parameters that influence DOM transformation. Two studies are planned with the topsoil samples: soil lipidome study and an assessment of the potential of free-living nitrogen fixation in various European soils. To support and link the studies, we will assess the composition if microbial communities in soil and groundwater collected at Krycklan catchment.

carbon cyclefree-living nitrogen fixationgroundwatersoil lipidome

[ID: 380] Deep groundwater carbon sources and age

PI: Marcus Klaus

Groundwater is one of the largest continental carbon (C) pools, but it is unclear where this C comes from and how long it resides in the subsurface before being released to the atmosphere through inland waters. The aim of this project is to unravel the magnitude, sources and age of C in groundwater aquifers within the Krycklan Catchment study. Twelve groundwater wells of different depth are sampled for carbon age, bulk groundwater age and concentrations of various carbon species, including dissolved organic and inorganic carbon and methane. The project will enable the quantification of legacy effects of groundwater in the C cycle and potential delays in the response of C emissions from groundwater-fed inland waters to changes in land C uptake. The project results will have implications for the development of more accurate landscape C models.


[ID: 235] Snowcat groundwater monitoring

PI: Hjalmar Laudon

In total, close to 20 wells are installed spanning from 5 m to over 150 m depth. The installations were made to cover the entire Krycklan catchment to investigate regional groundwater as well as allow more local studies of water pathways. The first wells were installed by the Swedish Geological Survey (SGU) in the 1980s and have been monitored since, whereas the majority was installed in 2012.


[ID: 234] Russian wells groundwater monitoring

PI: Hjalmar Laudon

The Kallkäls-mire is the source area for stream C4, and the location of the “Russian wells”. These wells are a set of piezometers allowing sampling at different depths in, and below the mire.


[ID: 233] S-transect groundwater monitoring

PI: Hjalmar Laudon

The S-transect was installed 1997 and has been sampled monthly since. The transect consists of ceramic suction lysimeters at 5-7 depths in three plots: the riparian zone 4 m from the stream (S04), 12 m from the stream (S12) and in the up-slope mineral soil 22 m from the stream (S22). The installations are made so that samples can be collected all year by using a heating cable where the water passes through the frozen soil. The hydrology is focused in the upper horizons due to the hydrological conductivity which increases exponentially towards the soil surface.


[ID: 220] Environmental monitoring of groundwater, SGU

PI: Carl-Erik Hjerne

Maintenance and sampling of groundwater wells in collaboration with SGU. SGU project 15005 i.e. monitoring of groundwater levels. Project leader Bo Thunholm until end of 2022. Fr o m 2023 Carl-Erik Hjerne SGU project 42191 environmental monitoring incl. water samples - usually performed by SGU https://www.sgu.se/en/groundwater2/

groundwatersguwater level

[ID: 178] Na as a tracer for minerogenic groundwater in mires

PI: Fredrik Lidman

The project tries to develop a method to trace and quantify the flow of minerogenic groundwater in mires based on Na


[ID: 166] Surface-ground water interaction: From watershed processes to hyporheic exchange

PI: Elin Jutebring Sterte

The project aims to increase the understanding of hydrological processes and transport in the surface and subsurface system under different climate conditions. We aim to develop a coupled hydrological-biogeochemical transport model that we can use to investigate different sites under different climate conditions. A coupled model describing solute transport at a landscape level will provide valuable information to the development of biosphere models. The impact on transport and biogeochemical processes in the landscape caused by differences in hydrology and climate are vital to get a better understanding of, especially when conceptualizing the ecosystem models used for radionuclide transport and dos-calculations. Nevertheless, the understanding of how and if a conceptual model of an eco-system needs to be changed in different climate scenarios is limited. One aim of this project is to identify conceptual differences in transport and accumulation of matter within and between eco-system under changing climate states.

Modelsurface watergroundwaterbaseflowtravel timesintra-annual variationsstream flowMike-SHE

[ID: 147] Analysing the Krycklan water quality data using a landscape systems approach

PI: Gunnar Lischeid

Decades of extensive research in the Krycklan Catchment have unravelled a multitude of hydrological, biogeochemical and biological processes. Whereas clear evidence can be found in the lab or in plot scale studies, a proof of relevance at the landscape scale requires powerful modern methods. To that end two different approaches (Isometric Feature Mapping and Self-Organizing Maps, combined with Sammon's Mapping) are applied to a comprehensive stream and groundwater quality data set.

water qualitystreamgroundwaterlong-term monitoringnon-linear statisticsIsometric Feature MappingSelf-Organizing MapSammons Mapping

[ID: 111] DRIP effect on organic matter decomposition

PI: Lenka Kuglerova

In this project we are looking on how do DRIPs (discrete riparian inflow points) affect decomposition of organic matter. We are using standardized assays of tea-bags and cotton strips to asses decomposition patters in riparian soils and in streams. 30 sites with a gradient of DRIP magnitude (from relatively dry sties to zero order stream channels) are used along streams C5-C6, C4, C8, C7, C10, C3, C1 (plus potential additions). The project is a collaboration with Umeå University and Griffith University, Australia.

decompositionstreamgroundwatertea-bagriparian soildriptemperaturecotton strip

[ID: 82] Hydrologic connectivity in the boreal landscape

PI: Jana Erdbrügger

Investigating different aspects of hydrologic connectivity in the boreal landscape. The project includes field measurements as well as a modelling approach to identify, quantify and analyse key aspects of hydrologic connectivity.

groundwaterhydrologic connectivitysoil moisturetemporary streamsmodellingtopography